The workers are engaged in various types of garbage removal work including drain cleaning, toilet cleaning, human and animal dead body removal, garbage dumping in lorries, septic tank cleaning, and excreta removal from railway tracks.
Most of them work in unsafe and hazardous conditions that affect their physical health. In short, they have no set working hours, are forced to work even when they are sick, have no privacy to change their clothes, no safety equipment, and can be described as working in poor working conditions.
We provide access to basic human rights for the members of the scavenger community in Tamil Nadu. Working with local communities and activists, scavengers use strictly non-violent methods to make change toward equality happen for everyone. We want the same chances for everyone, no matter what caste, class, religion, gender, or sexuality they belong to. Also, we work with those campaigning for better deals for Arunthathiyars and the implementation of laws banning sanitary work without proper equipment and protection.